Softball Practice Drills - Improve Technique for Any Position
By Becky Wittenburg
Drills for Stronger Players
Good softball practice drills will both teach the players new techniques and allow them to see the results of their practicing over time. When used effectively, they will challenge players to become stronger in their positions and also reward them with successful game play. The following drills focus on strengthening infield, outfield, and base running technique.
In this softball practice drill, outfielders learn the importance of communication while working on catching fly balls. First the team is divided into two groups. The groups form two lines in the outfield, spread out about 60 feet. The coach stands in front of the two lines and throws a softball in the air, like a fly ball from a hitter. The first two players in the lines watch and call for the ball until someone catches it (ideally the one who called for it). The players then run to the end of the line and the next two players complete the drill.
Two Line Challenge
This practice drill for softball focuses on catching in the infield and often includes diving practice as well. Players form two lines, one at the second base position and the other at the shortstop position. The coach stands at the center of the diamond and rolls the ball in the direction of one of the positions. The first player in line fields the ball, which might require diving. Once she fields the ball she quickly tosses it back to the coach and runs to the end of the line.
Base Cycles
This softball drill works on increasing speed and improving technique in base running. Players form a line at home plate, starting with the fastest and ending with the slowest. Keeping a safe distance between each player, they run from home run all the way through first base. Once each player has reached the grass, they line up again at first base and run to second, then to third, and lastly to home.
The next level of the drill incorporates base coaches. The players run from home through to second base, making sure to check in with the coach. Then they complete the drill by running from second to third and third to home. Next they run from home to third, and on the last level of the drill they run from home all the way back to home. Players should focus on proper base running technique and following the instructions of their base coaches.
And if you'd like to see more free softball drills and coaching tips, go here to watch a free video:
Becky Wittenburg is a kids softball coach, and the owner and publisher of Softball-Spot.com, the web's #1 resource for softball drills, tips, and practice ideas for youth and high school coaches.
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Becky_Wittenburg
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